Kevin Kelly Article

 This article was not what I was expecting to read about. It started off by contrasting the two opposite predictions of Kevon Kelly and Kirkpatrick Sale. Kelly was the editor of Wired when he asked to do an interview with Sale. The reason behind this interview was that Sale was a writer that believed technology was going to ruin society and Kelly wanted to debunk his theory. While it was a specific telling of how the interview went, it did in fact show the conflicting interests between the two as it was described to become a "hostile environment" at some points. They ended their discussion with a $1000 bet as to whether or not the future would be worse or better by the year 2020. As we waited for the day to come, we got a little background about the two of them but mostly Sale. We learned about the mind behind the writer as he grew up and distrusted technology from the jump. After we learned about that, we hear about what led up to him wanting to question the author of Rebels Against The Future. The tail end of the article describes how they determined a winner after the years and How Sale (the loser) would not accept defeat as he believed society had gotten worse and would continue to do so. I agree with the winner as I do not believe that technology is hurting us more than it is benefiting us. If we were to place the same bet but for the next 25 years, it would be a little different. A lack of hands-on jobs, digital economy(currency), and virtual reality.


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