A movie about movies.

 With my movie project, I made a film about movies and the progression that we have made as time went on. I started off with a black and white photo of a photographer followed by the cover of the movie Casablanca to pay homage to the black and white roots. I then posted the Gone with the Wind cover. Following that I decided to put a video of people in the movie theater with Back to the Future to show the change into cinematic dominance. The music then shifts as we go into the 21st century with movies such as Harry Potter and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I threw in a clip for Netflix to illustrate the transition to online streaming services. And lastly, I finished off with a still shot of a phone taking a picture which then turned into this grainy video of a couple and this symbolizes that nowadays you can make your own movies due to the technology that is available, to the point that you can even use your phone if you must!


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